Chance or Accident
"The lot is cast into the lap,
but the decision
is wholly of the Lord - even the events
[that seem accidental] are really ordered by Him."
Proverbs 16:33
(Amplified Bible)
If you're like me you try to figure out the "why" of every little thing that comes your way.
You're not sure why something happened, even though you have thought and thought about the situation.
Turning loose of our "figering out" is not as easy as it sounds sometimes;
however, when we wrangle over things we are only hurting ourselves and not trusting God.
Then before we know it we feel somewhat depressed, agitated, tired and weakened by all the thoughts that have been going on in our head.
There is a special verse that I run to when I am in this situation.
"This also comes forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working."
Isaiah 28:29
You notice this verse doesn't tell us the "why"
or the "how long."
What it does tell us is ALL that
we need to know to trust in our Heavenly Father.
It tells us where the situation comes from.
It comes from Him and it gives us His qualifications for our trust.
This is really all we need to be quiet and wait on Him.
He made us and everything in this big wide world, let's at least try to rest in His Word and stop our wrangling! How about it.
"Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace -
the throne of God's unmerited favor
[to us sinners];
that we may receive mercy
[for our failures] and find grace
to help in good time for every need - appropriate help
and well-timed help,
coming just when we need it"
(Hebrews 4:16 Amplified Bible)